Sunday, December 11, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout

20kg OAJ / Push Up Complex:
OAJ - 8 Reps / Push Up - 6 Reps (w/1 tube)
X 5 rounds

DJK: w/2-20kg 10 Sets of 8

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jo's Workout

C&P: 4 x 1-2-3 w/12kg (30 reps)
15:00 set
3:00 Rest

Metabolic Pairings:
GU-Sit Up: w/12kg 4 x 4 (last two were BW, due to period issues)
Reverse Lunge: w/16kg 4 x 6
3:00 Rest

Swing :40on/:20 off w/20kg x 9:00 (skipped one) 252 reps

Danny's Workout

Hindu Push-Up & Pull-Up: Complex
8/8 x 3
6/6 x 3
4/4 x 3
*54 reps of each.

Goblet Squat: x 10
HLR: 5 x 8


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Day at City Park

At City Park, with Paul, Roger, Bryce & Shamus.
5:00 JM
Warm Up:
Swings:  5 x 20
Shamus: w/28kg?
Danny: 5 x 20 w/24kg
Paul: w/20kg
Roger & Bryce: w/16kg

Goblet Squat/Press: 10 G.S. / 5 R-L Press x 5

Double Jerks:
2-16kg x 5
2-20kg x 5
2-24kg x 5
2-28kg x 5
2-32kg x 5 *Only Shamus did these.
Completed 4 rounds, with very little rest in between weights.

Litvi-Sprints: Goblet Squats x 8-10 reps, Run/Sprint 50 yds x 5 rounds
Danny/Paul/Bryce: 28kg x 8
Shamus: 40kg x 10

Farmers Walk:
Using an oval course, with a tree on each end. The length was approx. 75-85 yds.
*Everyone did at least two full laps, or more, using a 32kg in each hand.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout

JM for warm-up
20kg 1H Swing x 10 R/L x 2
20kg 2H Swing x 20

28kg Swing / Squat-Thrust Ladder
10 > 1 w/about 15-20 sec. rest between rungs

28kg C&J

2-20kg Double Jerk
8-6-4-2 x 1

Monday, November 7, 2011

Picture time…well if you know me at all; this is a big feat to get me in a pic in a bathing suit without a tan…OUCH! I’m posting my pic so I can have something to hold myself accountable to…besides myself (but we all know how that goesJ) it only takes a few excuses and we let ourselves off the hook!

Not this time, it’s all documented and I’m off to a great start!

Second week: Weight 131.4; Yay…I lost more than my goaled loss of 1lb per week (total loss week one: 1.6lbs) Accomplishing this after my day at the Superdome for the Saints game was a feat in itself...BAD GIRL!

New Day; New Outlook:

5:15 am…completed a pull-up ladder of 5 4 3 2 1 and now I’m ready to get to work!

15 minutes STRENGTH (Single arm Clean / Press with 12kg) Minimum goal: 3 ladders in 15 minutes. I completed three ladders w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 36 reps.

15 minutes METABOLIC PARINGS (B1 Getup sit up with 12kg; B2 Reverse Lunge with 16kg) Goal was to complete 5-6 reps of each exercise; I performed 3 reps of the get up sit ups three times and performed 6 reps of reverse lunge three times in 15 minutes w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 18 get up sit ups and 36 reps of reverse lunge.

10 minutes FINISHER (2 handed swings with 24kg) 30 seconds work; 30 seconds rest; completed entire 10 minutes 200 reps total.

Workout was again tough…very fatigued but finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake YUMM!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday Workout

At the gym with Shamus & Bryce


TGU x 6:00 w/20kg

Pull-Up w/20kg x 5-4-3-2-1

DL 185 x 3 x 5

DMP 2-24kg 3 x 5

*felt good overall; was not sore at all on Sat., so I could add a little more weight to each lift.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today was my rest day but after work I did a 35 minute brisk walk (outdoors) to help with any stiff / soreness I was experiencing from my Wednesday workout.

Friday, November 4, 2011

5:30 am…5 minutes of body weight get ups as a warm-up…first day of cycle so I’m a bit crampy, hopefully I can complete my workout for today…

15 minutes of STRENGTH (Turkish Get ups with the 12kg); 3x1 per side; 6 total reps

15 minutes of METABOLIC PAIRINGS (B1 Goblet Squat; B2 Staggered Stance 1 arm row with the 16kg); 5x5 Goblet squat / 5x5 staggered stance 1 arm rows (each arm) total 45 reps

10 minutes of FINISHERS (2 hand swings with 24kg); Week 1 is 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; I finished my 10 minutes with 120 reps during work time.

I finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jo - Kettlebell Burn

Today was the start date of my new conquest…I am on a mission to LEAN OUT…yes I know, it’s mostly about diet but with Geoff Neupert’s help in the form of Kettlebell Burn 2.0, I am confident that I will succeed!

Starting stats (even though Danny says I should not get hung up on numbers; here they are):

Starting Weight: 133lbs

Height: 5’3

Goal weight: 120-125

Height: 5’7 J

I am going to try my hardest to keep the blog updated with my progress so I can be held accountable to my goals; this might even involve progress pics if they aren’t too hideous!

I must confess that I have been screwing around in the months previous to this mission and have not built up an arsenal of strength to allow myself to start this program with the amount of reps that I would have liked to have under my belt, but there’s no time like the present right!

Today (Monday) was day one:

15 minutes of STRENGTH (Turkish Get ups with the 12kg); for now I’m not going to report my rep range just because I am a bit embarrassed at the lack of reps that I can accomplish with this weight at this time, but let’s just say that I did do my damndest to push out as many reps as humanly possible at this juncture of my life…

15 minutes of METABOLIC PAIRINGS (B1 Goblet Squat; B2 Staggered Stance 1 arm row with the 16kg); I pushed out three sets of 6 reps on Goblets and three sets of 6 reps (per arm) on rows; total 54 reps.

10 minutes of FINISHERS (2 hand swings with 24kg); Week 1 is 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; I finished my 10 minutes with 120 reps during work time.

Finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake and two tablespoons of chia seeds J

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This morning I am very sore…to the touch! I’m sure it’s because I started lifting more weight than I have been in the last 8-12 months.

I totally can see how with a clean diet a person will lean out very efficiently with this program…I can feel my metabolism racing this morning and my last workout was 24 hours ago (I started working out in the mornings; going on three weeks now. It’s easier to stay motivated when I get it done FIRST thing in the morning vs. getting home from work after a long stressful day and trying to motivate myself to “get busy”.

I came home from work and took a brisk walk for 35 minutes to work out some of the stiffness and soreness I had been feeling during the day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5:15 am…completed 7 minutes of stretches via bodyweight Get Ups, and now I’m ready to get to work!

15 minutes STRENGTH (Single arm Clean / Press with 12kg) Minimum goal: 3, 1-2-3 ladders in 15 minutes. I completed three ladders w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 36 reps.

15 minutes METABOLIC PARINGS (B1 Getup sit up with 12kg; B2 Reverse Lunge with 16kg) Goal was to complete 5-6 reps of each exercise; I performed 3 reps of the get up sit ups three times and performed 6 reps of reverse lunge three times in 15 minutes w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 18 get up sit ups and 36 reps of reverse lunge.

10 minutes FINISHER (2 handed swings with 24kg) 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; completed entire 10 minutes 120 reps total.

Workout was tough…very fatigued but finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake and two tablespoons of chia seeds YUMM!

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Brutal Day at the Park…

At PARD park w/Shamus
*Farmers Walk x 25 yds/DFS x 5/f-walk back.
1st w/20kg
2nd w/2-24
3rd w/2-28

*Double Jerk/Sprint/Swing/Sprint back: (You-go-I-go format; me, then Shamus)

1st Round
Double Jerk w/2-20kg x 10 / sprint 25 yds/ 10 Swings w/40kg/ sprint back.
Double Jerk w/2-24kg x 10 / sprint 25 yds/ 10 Swings w/40kg/ sprint back.
Double Jerk w/2-28kg x 10 / sprint 25 yds/ 10 Swings w/40kg/ sprint back.

2nd Round
Double Jerk w/2-20kg x 8, sprint 25 yds, 10 Swings w/40kg, sprint back.
Double Jerk w/2-24kg x 6, sprint 25 yds, 10 Swings w/40kg, sprint back.
Double Jerk w/2-28kg x 4, sprint 25 yds, 10 Swings w/40kg, sprint back.

*Farmers Walk/Jerk
F-Walk 25 yds w/2-20kg/ 40kg Jerk 3/3, F-Walk back.
F-Walk 25 yds w/2-24kg/ 40kg Jerk 3/3, F-Walk back.
F-Walk 25 yds w/2-28kg/ 40kg Jerk 3/3, F-Walk back.

*48kg Farmers Walk
Farmers Walk with 48kg in each hand (1-20 & 1-28kg), stacked in each hand x 25 yds; rest & return x 1

*The chain of DJK/Sprint/Swing/Sprint, was quite brutal.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lite Endurance Day

C&J w/24kg :30R/:30L x 3:00
Rest 1:30
Repeat w/28kg

:30R/:30L x 3:00 w/24kg

2-16kg DFS x 8, run 50 yds, walk back
2-16kg DFS x 8, sprint 50 yards, walk back
2-16kg DFS x 8, sprint 50 yards, walk back
16kg Goblet Squat x 8, sprint 50 yds, run 350 meters. (I full lap on track)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Medium Grind Day

TGU w/24kg x 5:00


RDL 130 x 1 x 10

RDL 163 x 1 x 5

DL 250 x 10 x 3


20kg Pull Ups

5-4-3-2-1 x 2

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Simple is good, but simple can be brutal!

The Eagle Workout from Dan John


DFS x 8, Farmers Walk x 20 meters, w/2-24kg x 4 rounds

(8 DFS & 20 meter f-walk = 1 circuit)


Same w/2-8kg's x 7 circuits

*what an ass-kicker! Two simple lifts...simple on paper, but very hard! Oh, I forgot to mention…there is no setting the bells down on this! An evil little twist!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Great Workout!

At the gym w/Shamus

Double Clean/Squat/Jerk  w/2-24kg's

*I went first, then Shamus; after Shamus did his reps, I did 8 Renegade Rows. We matched the R.R. with the Clean-Squat-Jerk sets.





Rested for about 10:00

KB Chin-Up (palm facing me) w/106# x 1 

*I didn't think I'd be able to do this, after the workout we did, but was pleasantly surprised at how easy it went up! My chin ended up about 1.5" over the bar. Nice surprise!

Tried another pull-up (palms away) and got close, but not good enough.

Rested and tried another pull up, got closer, but not enough.

Rested, and used a staggered grip (right palm facing me, left palm away) and got that one!

I'm very pleased with this. Two successful reps, and two close ones.

Friday, August 26, 2011

DL & Pull Ups

10:30am at City Park w/Brandon

C&J weight ladder

20kg x 5 R/L then 8 push ups

24kg x 5 R/L " "

28kg x 5 R/L " "

Rest & repeat 1 x


2-16kg 3 x 5

Bent Press

20kg 3 R/L x 2

*This was a lite workout. I wasn't able to lift all week at work, due to my back irritattion, and being busy, so I just wanted to get my body moving again.


At Power w/Shamus


135 x 2 x 5

185 x 1 x 5

235 x 1 x 5

285 x 1 x 3

255 x 1 x 3

235 x 10 x 3

51 total reps

Pull Ups

8-6-4-2 x 1

Pull Up:

5 sec up, hold chin over bar for 10 sec.

Hold at eye level for 10 sec.

Hold top of head under bar for 10 sec.

5 seconds to the bottom position.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


At the gym w/Shamus & Jo

Danny w/2-20kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Jo w/2-20#

DSW x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DCL x 5

DHP x 5

Rest 1:00
Repeat 4x

Monday, August 15, 2011

LCCJ & H-Snatch


LCCJ w/24kg x 5:00 *switch hands every 5 reps

Rest 2-3:00

H-Snatch w/24kg x 5:00*


DFS w/2-24kg x 10-8-6-4-2 x 1 (30)


TGU w/8kg x 7:00

16kg Swing/Jerk

:30 Swing R, :30 Swing L

:30 Jerk R, :30 Jerk L

1:00 Rest

Repeat 4 more times.

DFS w/2-12kg 5x5

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New DL Max.

Rolled with Paul & Eric for 30 -45:00.


DL w/Shamus







335x1 *broke old record of 330


*I need to pull 360, for a 2x BW DL.


Pull Ups

10-9-8 x 1 (27)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jo – Monday Workout

6am Push Up / Pull Up Workout, with my Lifeline USA Pull Up Pro, band kit. Using Pavel's Fighter Pull Up Program (ladders)




Wm Up:

Swing - 5 R/L w/8kg

Goblet Squat x 5



Enjoying my new 16kg RKC bell, with the smaller handle.

C&J w/16kg

:30R/:30L x 4:00 @ 8 RPM

Had to rest for 2:00, then..

:30R/:30L x 1:00

Monday, August 1, 2011

Workout at The Fly


Brandon: OAJ, practice reps; 20kg 5 R/L x 2

OAJ: 20kg x 8-6-4-2 x 1

C&J: 20kg x 8-6-4-2 x 1

Danny: DSN w/2-20kg x 10  (Outside-the-knee; Mahler style)

*I saw a workout that included 10 DSN, and wanted to see if I could do that many with the 20's. I did, but WOW, what an ass-kicker!! IMO, the Double Snatch is the most brutal KB lift there is! It requires so much force production, and is such a fast pace, that it really challenges you like nothing else. If you do them Half-Snatch style, that will make them a little easier, but they still have to go up, which is the fun part. If you're feeling extra 'manly' one day, and you want to test yourself, warm up first, then grab two moderatley heavy bells, and crank out 10 reps; I'm sure you'll be humbled quickly! If not, you're either a stud, or you're not using enough weight :)  If you want to train, but are short on time, a few sets of these will fix you right up, and you'll be done in 15:00 or so.

C&J: :30R/:30L x 5:00

Brandon w/20kg

Danny w/28kg

*felt good; was a little tough, but not bad. Averaged 8-10 RPM. I may have gotten another minute or two. Overall, I'm happy with the set, considering it was my first attempt. My goal is 10:00 non-stop.


DSW: weight ladder; 2-16kg & 2-20kg.

Brandon 2-16kg x 10, 2-20kg x 10, Danny 2-16kg x 10, 2-20kg x 10, Brandon 2-16kg x 8, 2-20kg x 8 etc. My rest was while he did his reps;  'you go-I go'.

10-8-6-4-2 (30 reps w/2-16kg; 30 reps w/2-20kg)

A great workout. Everything felt good, and we were in the shade, so the heat wasn't that bad.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Push Up, C&J, Jerks

Push Up / C&J Ladder (28kg)

8-6-4-2 x 2

Push Up / Jerk Ladder

8-6-4-2 x 1

60 Push Ups

40 C&J

20 Jerks

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Danny – DL & Push/Pull-Ups

Windmill w/16kg 2x5

Hindu Push Up 3x8







45 Total Reps

Pull Up: 8-6-4-2 x 1

Pull Up/Push Up: 6-6, 4-4

Decline Push Up, Wood block on bench:

10-8-6-4-2 x 1

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pull Up & Push Up

Push Up: 3 x 8

Pull Up: 2 x 5


KB Pull Up:

w/16kg x 1

w/24kg x 1

w/28kg x 1

w/32kg x 1

w/40kg x 1 *held for 10 count at top.

*attempted with 40kg + 8kg (106#), but stalled half way through.

*my previous best was 1 rep w/32kg, so pulling my bodyweight (180), with another 88#, for a total of 268#, was very cool. I think if I did a BW warm up with pull ups, and one pull with the 28, that I could pull the 106#...we'll see next time.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Kettlebell & Barbell Workout


Warm Up:

2H Swing w/28kg 2x10

Goblet Squat w/28kg 1x5


Swing/Jerk: weight ladder w/24-28-32kg

:30R/:30L x 1:00 Swings

:30R/:30L x 1:00 Jerk = 1 set

Swings & Jerks non stop sets; 2:00 w/each bell, for a 6:00 set.

3-Part Barbell Clean w/155# x 10 x 3

Oly-Clean w/135# x 3 x 1

w/135 x 2 x 2

28kg Squat/Jerk 5 R/L x 1

Hanging Knee Raise: 10-8-6-4-2 x 1

Jo's Workout:

Warm Up

Push Ups: 6-5-4-3-2-1


LCCJ/Half Snatch Combo w/12kg

:30R/:30L x 1:00 5 reps per :30

:30R/:30L x 1:00 6 reps per :30 w/1:30 rest = 1 set

Completed 12 sets, for 24:00 of work time

2-12kg Double Front Squat 5x5

Push Ups: 4-3-2-1 x 1


Friday, July 15, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout


Pull Up x 5

DL w/135 x 5

Push Up x 5

Goblet Sq. w/16kg x 5

H-Snatch w/16kg x 5

*completed 5 sets

*no rest between exercises; 1:00 rest between sets.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jo – Swing/Jerk

Swing/Jerk w/12kg

:30R/:30L Swing, :30R/:30L Jerk

Rest 1:30

Completed 10 rounds of each

20:00 work time

14 RPM - Jerks (140)

32 RPM - Swings (320)

Rest 1:30

DFS w/2-12kg (4x5)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Push Ups & Goblet Squats

7-9-11 (work)

JM 10:00

Push-Up (Spiderman) / Goblet Squat

Complex Ladder 2-4-6-8

2 Push Ups, 2 Gob. Squats


4 Push Ups, 4 Gob. Squats etc.

2-4-6-8 x 5

100 Push Ups

100 Goblet Squats

10:00 Cool-down

7-11-11 (work)

JM 10:00

Push-Up (Spiderman) / 20kg Goblet Squat

Complex Ladder 8-6-4-2

2 Push Ups, 2 Gob. Squats


4 Push Ups, 4 Gob. Squats etc.

8-6-4-2 x 6

120 Push Ups

120 Goblet Squats

5:00 cool down

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

TGU-DL –Pull Ups


TGU w/24kg x 5:00

DL w/275 x 8 x 3

*Do 3, rest & repeat, for 10:00

Pull Ups w/24kg 3-3-3-3

BW 5-3-3

Spiderman Push Up


10-8-6-4-2 (60)

Hanging Leg Raise 10

HLR to sides 10

Hanging Wipers 10 x 2


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Push-Up & DJK


Walking Lunge 5 R/L

BW Goblet Sq. 10

Push Up 10

20kg Swing 10/10

20kg Clean 10/10


Push-Up & Double Jerks

(DJK w/2-20kg)

Push Up 10

Push Up 10
Push Up 10
Push Up 10


Push Up 8

Push Up 8

DFS 8-6-4-2 x 1

*I really like the Push-up/Jerk complex. This would be perfect for people who are new to the Jerk, since most everyone thinks it's a press. The push-ups help fatigue the arms, so that you must rely on your legs/hips, to propel the bell/s upward.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TGU - DL – Pull Up


TGU w/24kg x 10:00

(10:00 of DL)

RDL w/133 x 10

DL w/225 x 1

w/275 x 1

w/325 x 1

w/275 x 5 x 3

w/275 x 2 x 2

Pull Ups: 8-6-4-2 x 1


Monday, June 20, 2011

AKC KB Event in Atlanta

Shamus, Danny, Britt & Tracy
Atlanta, GA 6-18-11
*See my YouTube link on the right side of the page for the video clips.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strong Sport Practice

It's been busy this week at work, as far as trying to workout. I've been up late the last two nights, with limited sleep on one of them. Today I just wanted to get in a lite practice session, in preparation for my Strong-Sport KB event next Sat. in Atlanta.


Push Up 8-8-8

Squat 8-8-8

Practice w/32kg:

2H Swing 10-10-10

1H Swing 10/10, 5/5, 5/5

Clean 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Jerk 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

C&J 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Clean 5/5

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Strong Sport Practice

32kg x 2:00R/2:00L 17/17

*need to work on my lockout & cleans.


2-20kg LC 10 reps

*filmed for form check.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

32kg Strong-Sport Practice

At Power w/Shamus
Warm Up:
32kg 2H Swing x 10
Clean 5/5
Jerk 5/5
Swing 5/5
Clean 5/5

32kg Strong-Sport, Practice

Kept the bell in hand for full 2:00R/2:00L. (16R/17L)

*need to work on grip, with more swings/cleans.

Rolled with Shamus, Brian, Paul & Jason, and hurt my left index finger/knuckle, and my neck. My finger is very sore today, not sure if I'll be able to lift a bell?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

LCCJ Practice for Strong-Sport Event

Friday Evening At Power w/Shamus

Swings: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 2

Cleans: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 1

LCCJ: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 1

w/28, 32, 40kg x 3

*3rd set - only did 2R/2L w/40kg. Ended up tearing the skin open on my left pinky finger. Taped it up, and did OAJ on the last set.

I think I should have left the 40kg at home, and just focused on the 28 & 32kg. My back was getting irritated; I'm not sure if it was the 40kg, or just doing too much my first day back from work?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout

Lite Workout at work. Due to my 24hr 'on call' schedule, I don't normally do intense workouts here. I did want to get my body moving again, after recouperating from a irritated back, from deadlifting. Jo's workouts with the LCCJ & Swing/Jerk, have made me look quite lazy...thanks babe! I'm looking forward to getting home again, so I can get busy with some REAL workouts!


DFS/DJK w/2-20kg 3x5

Push Up 8-6-4-2 x 1

DJK 1x8

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jo – Swing/Jerk Workout

12kg Swing/Jerk Super-set

:30R/:30L Swing x 1:00

:30R/:30L Jerk x 1:00

Rest 1:00

Repeat 9x

*averaged 20 swings p/round (400 total)

*averaged 14 jerks p/round (140 total)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jo – 12kg LCCJ

From Tues. 5-24

12kg LCCJ Test

1:00R/1:00L x 8 Rounds @ 8RPM

16:00 Total Work Time

128 Reps

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jo’s Workout

KBM - Medium Day (5:50pm)


DHP x 5


DSN x 5

DFS x 5

X 5 sets w/1:30 rest between sets.

Home (7:00pm) - 500 Swings w/12kg

*5 sets of 100 reps; (1H & 2H)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lite DL Workout

Lite Day - DL

180 x 5 x 10


*will do 32kg Strong-Sport LC practice this evening at the gym.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Danny – DL & 16kg Pull Ups

DL Heavy Day at Home


*felt pretty good; not quite as good as the other two, but good. Definitely felt like a heavy day! I felt that maybe my back was rounding just a tad, but I had no way to verify it, so next time, I will film my heavy day, so I can know for sure.

5:30 - Shamus did his test for the Strong-Sport meet with the 32kg; he did 20/20.


16kg Pull Up: 6-5-5-4-4-4-3 (31)

*my back is hurting a little from the DL workout, not sure if it's normal soreness, or a strain?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Danny’s Workout

Deadlift - Medium Day


*felt great, no issues.

*rested about 7:00 then...


Pull-Up / Bench Press Complex

5 P.U. w/16kg - 5 Bench Press w/185

5 - 5

5 - 4

5 - 3

5 - 0


LCCJ w/32

5 R/L *practice reps


*great workout…I haven't felt this good after training in a while.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Danny’s Workout

*At Work

Warm Up:

Swings 10 R/L

Goblet Squat 20kg x 5

Slow Burpee x 5

Alt. Swings 5 R/L


DFS-DJK Combo 5x5 w/2-20kg

1st set = DFS/DJK, DFS/DJK etc.

2nd set = DFSx5, DJKx5, DFSx5, DJKx5 etc.

3rd set = same as 1st

4 & 5th = same as 2nd

*I wanted to see which format felt best; they both felt good, so I'm not sure yet which I prefer? I'll have to do more of it to find out.

DJK w/2-20kg

8-6-4 x 2

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Danny – DL: Jo - KBM

221 x 5 x 10

Very tough! Will have to ladder down with the weight I'm sure, on the Heavy day.


Jo: KBM Lite Day

Monday, April 25, 2011


The first day of my new Deadlift mass program.

Wm Up:

Traditional Deadlift-Clean Grip
*this was a good workout. 10-reps is challenging, but I like the feel of it. These were done as singles, with a short, reset after each rep, but no real rest, until the set was complete. I can tell that the Med. & Heavy days will be pretty tough, but I'm looking forward to it.

Pull Ups: w/20# KB
5x5 *last set was pretty tough!

Jo: Medium Day of 2nd six-week period of KBM.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Press & Deadlift

DMP w/2-24kg 10x5

BB Deadlift w/174# 10x5

The press workout was pretty tough, but I made it. My recent ART treatments on my lats/shoulders has really paid off, in terms of my ROM.
The DL portion felt great, I really like the DL…one of my most favorite lifts for sure!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Danny – Quick Workout

It's been a lazy week at work. I got discouraged w/KBM and blew it off. I'll start my Mahler GVT routine on Friday.


Today's quick workout:

Push-Ups 5x10

Hindu Squats 5x20



KBM Lite Day

Friday, April 15, 2011

Danny - KBM Heavy Day

Danny 2-16kg
DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
X 5 sets, w/1:30 rest between sets.

Monday, April 11, 2011

KBM – Med. Day

DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 6 sets, w/1:30 rest between sets.

*I decided to use the 20's today, and got my ass handed to me, so I'm very aggrivated. The 16's are too lite, and I haven't gained any size in 4 weeks. The 20's are too damn heavy! I feel like such a wuss! Not sure if I will continue with KBM.

Jo w/2-8kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Brett w/2-12kg
Paul w/2-12kg
Marco w/2-12kg
Danny w/2-20kg

Friday, April 8, 2011

KBM – Heavy Day

Taught a KB private to a new guy at the Fly from 11:30-1:00, then met Brandon for lunch.

KBM - Heavy Day - Gym 5:40pm

DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
X 4 sets, with 1:30 rest between sets.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

KBM – Lite Day

Jo, Shamus & Brett completed this yesterday on schedule. I wasn't able to do mine yesterday, so I did it first thing this morning.

DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
X 5 sets, with 1:15 rest between sets.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Danny – KBM @ Work

DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 5 sets, w/1:30 rest between sets.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jo – KBM Catch Up Day

Jo had to do her Friday (Heavy Day) workout this morning. Same as below.

Friday, April 1, 2011

KBM – Heavy Day

DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
X 5 sets w/2:00 rest between sets.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

KBM – Lite Day

Danny 16's
Jo 8's
Shamus 24's
Brett 12's

DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
X 6 sets, w/1:30 rest between sets.
*felt great for this workout; no issues.

Monday, March 28, 2011

KBM – Medium Day

Danny w/2-16kg
Jo w/2-8kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Brett w/2-12kg

DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 6 sets, w/2:00 rest between sets.
*This workout felt great, maybe the best one yet for me (Danny).

Saturday, March 26, 2011

KBM – Make Up Days

Due to my hectic work week, I missed my scheduled workouts on Wed. & Fri., so we had to make them up on our trip to Destin, FL with friends. We did our Wed. workout Friday, since we were on the road, and then did Friday's workout this morning.

KBM – Lite Day (Done Friday Morning)
DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
X 5 sets, w/1:30 rest between sets.


KBM - Heavy Day (Done Sat. Morning)
Danny 2-16kg
Jo 2-8kg

DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
X 4 sets w/2:00 rest between sets.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Danny – KBM Med. Day

DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 5 sets, w/2:00 rest between sets.
*the 16's are starting to feel a little heavier, especially at 5 sets. I decided to get away from the plant, and go to Fort Jackson to workout. It's a cool area, and a nice peaceful place to workout. The weather is really nice too, and I wanted to get a little sun.
Jo, Shamus & Brett will be doing their workout at the gym this evening at 5:30.

Friday, March 18, 2011

KBM – Heavy Day

Heavy Day
Danny at Work 2-16kg
Jo at the gym w/2-8kg

DCL x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DFS x 5
X 3 sets w/2:00 rest between sets

*felt ok, no issues. Jo, & Brett will do theirs at the gym this evening.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

KBM – Lite Day

Danny w/2-16kg
Jo w/2-8kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Brett w/2-12kg

DSW x 5
DSN x 5
SSP x 5
X 4 sets
1.5 min. rest between sets.
60 Total Reps
*This felt lite, but good. My lower back was irritated, but the workout didn't seem to make it any worse.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Kettlebell Muscle – First Day

First day of the Kettlebell Muscle program.

Medium Day:
DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 4 sets, w/2:00 rest between sets.

Danny w/2-16kg
Jo w/2-8kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Brett w/2-12kg

*The first day wasn't very difficult BUT, I know the coming weeks will be more and more difficult, so I'm pleased with how the workout felt. I think the decision to use the 16's instead of the 20's was very wise. My Chiropractor visits on Friday and today have been very helpful in increasing the ROM in my shoulders, when doing the snatches & presses. The Active Release treatments are VERY impressive, and I highly recommend them to anyone. Emeka Okafor referred me to Dr. Edwards, so if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me!
I'm looking forward to the Wed. workout...

Friday, March 11, 2011


5:00 TGU - Jo w/15#
           Danny w/16kg

10:00 OAJ - Jo w/25#
            Danny w/24kg

DFS - 5 x 8 Jo w/2-25# *5 RPR
            Danny w/2-24kg  *5 RPR
*squats were very tough after doing the Jerks!

Friday, March 4, 2011


DHS 2-8kg

:30 on/:30 off x 5:00

OAJ w/12kg

:30R/:30L x 5:00 (6 RPR)

Rest 1:00

Repeat 2x

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Workout

Snatch & Jerk

20kg x 5 R/L
24kg x 5 R/L
28kg x 5 R/L
Did all three bells in a row, rested while Shamus did his; he did:
I did 4 rounds; he did 3.

Me: Jerks
28kg x 5 R/L
32kg x 5 R/L
X 5 sets.

BB Deadlift:
Wm Up - Bar x 5

Double Windmill
2-25# x 5x3

Double M.Press
2-25# x 5x3

Monday, February 28, 2011

Danny & Shamus: Jo

At the gym w/Shamus

Complex - Ladder

10 Push Up, 10 Pull Up, 10 KB Pu-Press (2-24kg)

9 " 9 " 9 "

Down to 1

55 reps each lift

165 total reps (Approx. 30:00)

*I haven't done any push ups lately, and this workout being all upper body, kicked my ass, as much as I hate to admit it!



5 Swings/5 Squats Complex: 2-8kg :30 on / :30 off

X 30:00

Friday, February 25, 2011

Danny & Brandon @ ‘The Fly’

I met Brandon at The Fly today, what an amazing day it was to be outside!! We reviewed his KB form, and did a workout at the end.

DSW x 5
DCL x 5
DHP x 5
Complex: did 5 rounds w/1.5 min. rest

Brandon 2-12kg: DFS x 8, sprint 50 yds x 3
Danny 2-20kg: DFS x 8, sprint 50 yds x 2

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Danny - DFS

Swing: 20kg x 5R, 5L, 5R, 5L x 1

DFS: 2-20kg 9 sets x 8 reps

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Danny – Workout (at work)


20kg Swing: 10 R/L x 5
20kg Clean: 5R, 5L, 5R, 5L x 1
2-20kg DFS: 5 x 8
20kg Windmill: 3 x 3
Ab Wheel Roll-Outs: 3 x 5

*haven't done any squatting in about 2 weeks, due to a sore left knee, from wrestling. There was no real discomfort today to speak of, all reps felt fine.

Jo – DSN & Jerk

DSN & Jerk

DSN: 2-8kg x :30 on / :30 off x 5:00
OAJ: 12kg x :30R/:30L x 5:00
Rest 1:00

Rest 1:00


Monday, February 14, 2011

Danny – BB & KB

Warm Up: RDL 95x1x5

Barbell Complex
Back Sq.
=1 rep
3 singles
3 reps x 3 sets
2 reps x 1 set
3 reps x 1 set
2 reps x 1 set

Taught the swing to new student. (30:00)

OAJ w/32kg
5 R/L x 5
32kg + 10# 5 R/L x 3 sets


DSW + DFS w/30#
:30 on /:30 off x 30 Rounds

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gary Moore R.I.P.

On Feb. 6th, we lost Gary Moore, one of THE premier guitarists on the planet. He played in Thin Lizzy in the late seventies, and went on to have a successful solo career. Most people know about Page, Van-Halen, Blackmore, Clapton, Beck, Hendrix, etc…but Gary was also in that category, in terms of his playing ability. Commercially he was not as successful as the names above, but his musicianship was unquestioned. He straddled the line between hard rock & blues.

Gary Moore R.I.P 1952-2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Workout: Three Amigos

At the gym w/Shamus & Jo
1A Swings: :30 on / :30 off x 5:00
Danny w/24kg, Jo w/20#

DSN: :30 on /:30 off x 5:00
Danny w/2-16kg, Jo w/2-15#, Shamus w/2-16kg

Jerk: :30R/:30L x 5:00
Danny w/24kg, Jo w/16kg, Shamus w/24kg

Jo continued on with alternating sets of DSN & OAJ, 5:00 ea.
A 5:00 set of DSN, and a 5:00 set of OAJ = 1 round. She completed 2 more sets. The last two rounds of OAJ were done with a 12kg.

Danny & Shamus:
DSW: :30 on / :30 off x 5:00 *Danny w/2-20kg x 3 rounds; 2 rounds w/2-16kg. Shamus 3 rounds w/2-24, 2 rounds w/2-20kg.
C&P: - :30R/:30L x 5:00
Pull Ups: 8-6-4-2 x 1
7-5-3-1 x 1

*Note: the :30 of DSW with the 2-20kg's was brutal!

Wrestled for 30-40:00.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jo – KB/BB Workout

RDL - Bar x 5


DL - 95x5x1



Double KB Windmill/Press Combo

2/20# x 4 x 3


*Lite workout; it was the last day of 3-day detox


Monday, February 7, 2011

Jo's Workout

Warm up:

Body weight TGU 5 min


DSW 8kg
DFS  8kg
30:30 17 rounds

1 extra minute rest

DSW 8kg
DFS   8kg
30:30 5 rounds

NOTE: 1st day of three day "liquid" detox...tummy was cramping; next workout day Wednesday. See ya then :o)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Swings - 10 r/l x 2
Cleans - 5 r/l
Squat - 5 r/l
Shoulder Stretch

24kg :30 rest between sets
Jerk - 8R/8L
C&J - 5R/5L
Jerk - 8/8
C&J - 5/5
Jerk - 8/8
C&J - 5/5

Jerk - 5/5
C&J - 5/5
Jerk - 5/5
C&J - 5/5

Jerk - 5/5
C&J - 5/5
Jerk - 5/5
C&J - 5/5

Jerk - 5/5 x 4 (40)
(198 total reps)

*Since I've done 10:00 of C&J with the 24kg, switching every :30, I feel that I need to make the 28kg my lite weight, and work my way up to 10:00. The 32 was tough, but the 28 at the end felt just right.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Workout


5 DSW + 5 DFS

:30 on / :30 Off

5 rounds (50 reps) w/2-12kg

10 rounds (100 reps) w/2-20#



I've trained everyday since I got home Thur., and I was feeling sore & banged up from KB's & wrestling, so I needed a lite day.


Windmill: 16kg x 5 R/L x 2


Double Windmill: 16kg + 12kg 5 R/L x 1


Swing 16kg 30 R/L x 2


Snatch 16kg 10 R/L x 3

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Danny – Judo Workout

Judo - 2 Hrs.


Was sore from wrestling w/Shamus last night; had another tough workout today with Jason & Neil, working on pins, and escaping.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Danny & Jo – Jerks/C&J

At the gym w/Jo

Danny - C&J 5:00 (:30R/:30L) w/28kg @ 5 RPR *it's been a few months since I used the 28 for time, so this felt like a big jump from the 24.

Jo - (Jerk) 3:00 w/16kg @ 6 RPR           
            2:00 w/16kg @ 5 RPR

Rest 2-3:00

Danny - 4:00 w/28kg @ 5 RPR *legs were fatigued from last nights DL workout.
Jo - 5:00 w/16kg @ 5 RPR

I rested for about 10:00, then wrestled with Shamus for about an hour. After last nights high volume DL, and the Pull Ups, I'm feeling quite battered.