Sunday, May 1, 2011

Danny’s Workout

*At Work

Warm Up:

Swings 10 R/L

Goblet Squat 20kg x 5

Slow Burpee x 5

Alt. Swings 5 R/L


DFS-DJK Combo 5x5 w/2-20kg

1st set = DFS/DJK, DFS/DJK etc.

2nd set = DFSx5, DJKx5, DFSx5, DJKx5 etc.

3rd set = same as 1st

4 & 5th = same as 2nd

*I wanted to see which format felt best; they both felt good, so I'm not sure yet which I prefer? I'll have to do more of it to find out.

DJK w/2-20kg

8-6-4 x 2


Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

That looks really tough-all those FSQ. Nice work on the double 20s

Danny Evans said...

Nah, it was a lite workout. I'm at work, and it's my first workout since Wed. so I just wanted to do a little something to get my body moving.
I like the DFS/DJK should try it sometime. How is your shoulder; when are you going to the Dr.?