Sunday, June 17, 2012

A group pic of our recent IKFF Kettlebell Cert at Cypress Fitness, 5-22-12.

Back Row: Brandon, Katie-Ann, Kelly, Jo.
Front: Brandon, Shamus, Brian, Claude, Ken, David, Danny.

Practice & Workout

2-22kg DJK Practice 2 x 5
22kg Snatch practice 5 R/L x 2
22kg Swing Practice 10 R/L

24kg Swings: 200 Alt. (100 R/L)
Trying to get my hands back in shape; it's a little slow, but I'm making progress.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Well, I'm IKFF Certified, but I still have a lot of work to do! The course was very intensive, and challenging! Thanks to Ken & Claude for the excellent instruction!