Friday, May 27, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout

Lite Workout at work. Due to my 24hr 'on call' schedule, I don't normally do intense workouts here. I did want to get my body moving again, after recouperating from a irritated back, from deadlifting. Jo's workouts with the LCCJ & Swing/Jerk, have made me look quite lazy...thanks babe! I'm looking forward to getting home again, so I can get busy with some REAL workouts!


DFS/DJK w/2-20kg 3x5

Push Up 8-6-4-2 x 1

DJK 1x8

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jo – Swing/Jerk Workout

12kg Swing/Jerk Super-set

:30R/:30L Swing x 1:00

:30R/:30L Jerk x 1:00

Rest 1:00

Repeat 9x

*averaged 20 swings p/round (400 total)

*averaged 14 jerks p/round (140 total)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jo – 12kg LCCJ

From Tues. 5-24

12kg LCCJ Test

1:00R/1:00L x 8 Rounds @ 8RPM

16:00 Total Work Time

128 Reps

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jo’s Workout

KBM - Medium Day (5:50pm)


DHP x 5


DSN x 5

DFS x 5

X 5 sets w/1:30 rest between sets.

Home (7:00pm) - 500 Swings w/12kg

*5 sets of 100 reps; (1H & 2H)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lite DL Workout

Lite Day - DL

180 x 5 x 10


*will do 32kg Strong-Sport LC practice this evening at the gym.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Danny – DL & 16kg Pull Ups

DL Heavy Day at Home


*felt pretty good; not quite as good as the other two, but good. Definitely felt like a heavy day! I felt that maybe my back was rounding just a tad, but I had no way to verify it, so next time, I will film my heavy day, so I can know for sure.

5:30 - Shamus did his test for the Strong-Sport meet with the 32kg; he did 20/20.


16kg Pull Up: 6-5-5-4-4-4-3 (31)

*my back is hurting a little from the DL workout, not sure if it's normal soreness, or a strain?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Danny’s Workout

Deadlift - Medium Day


*felt great, no issues.

*rested about 7:00 then...


Pull-Up / Bench Press Complex

5 P.U. w/16kg - 5 Bench Press w/185

5 - 5

5 - 4

5 - 3

5 - 0


LCCJ w/32

5 R/L *practice reps


*great workout…I haven't felt this good after training in a while.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Danny’s Workout

*At Work

Warm Up:

Swings 10 R/L

Goblet Squat 20kg x 5

Slow Burpee x 5

Alt. Swings 5 R/L


DFS-DJK Combo 5x5 w/2-20kg

1st set = DFS/DJK, DFS/DJK etc.

2nd set = DFSx5, DJKx5, DFSx5, DJKx5 etc.

3rd set = same as 1st

4 & 5th = same as 2nd

*I wanted to see which format felt best; they both felt good, so I'm not sure yet which I prefer? I'll have to do more of it to find out.

DJK w/2-20kg

8-6-4 x 2