Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Push-Up & DJK


Walking Lunge 5 R/L

BW Goblet Sq. 10

Push Up 10

20kg Swing 10/10

20kg Clean 10/10


Push-Up & Double Jerks

(DJK w/2-20kg)

Push Up 10

Push Up 10
Push Up 10
Push Up 10


Push Up 8

Push Up 8

DFS 8-6-4-2 x 1

*I really like the Push-up/Jerk complex. This would be perfect for people who are new to the Jerk, since most everyone thinks it's a press. The push-ups help fatigue the arms, so that you must rely on your legs/hips, to propel the bell/s upward.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TGU - DL – Pull Up


TGU w/24kg x 10:00

(10:00 of DL)

RDL w/133 x 10

DL w/225 x 1

w/275 x 1

w/325 x 1

w/275 x 5 x 3

w/275 x 2 x 2

Pull Ups: 8-6-4-2 x 1


Monday, June 20, 2011

AKC KB Event in Atlanta

Shamus, Danny, Britt & Tracy
Atlanta, GA 6-18-11
*See my YouTube link on the right side of the page for the video clips.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strong Sport Practice

It's been busy this week at work, as far as trying to workout. I've been up late the last two nights, with limited sleep on one of them. Today I just wanted to get in a lite practice session, in preparation for my Strong-Sport KB event next Sat. in Atlanta.


Push Up 8-8-8

Squat 8-8-8

Practice w/32kg:

2H Swing 10-10-10

1H Swing 10/10, 5/5, 5/5

Clean 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Jerk 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

C&J 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Clean 5/5

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Strong Sport Practice

32kg x 2:00R/2:00L 17/17

*need to work on my lockout & cleans.


2-20kg LC 10 reps

*filmed for form check.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

32kg Strong-Sport Practice

At Power w/Shamus
Warm Up:
32kg 2H Swing x 10
Clean 5/5
Jerk 5/5
Swing 5/5
Clean 5/5

32kg Strong-Sport, Practice

Kept the bell in hand for full 2:00R/2:00L. (16R/17L)

*need to work on grip, with more swings/cleans.

Rolled with Shamus, Brian, Paul & Jason, and hurt my left index finger/knuckle, and my neck. My finger is very sore today, not sure if I'll be able to lift a bell?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

LCCJ Practice for Strong-Sport Event

Friday Evening At Power w/Shamus

Swings: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 2

Cleans: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 1

LCCJ: 5R/5L w/24, 28, 32 & 40kg x 1

w/28, 32, 40kg x 3

*3rd set - only did 2R/2L w/40kg. Ended up tearing the skin open on my left pinky finger. Taped it up, and did OAJ on the last set.

I think I should have left the 40kg at home, and just focused on the 28 & 32kg. My back was getting irritated; I'm not sure if it was the 40kg, or just doing too much my first day back from work?