Monday, November 21, 2011

Jo's Workout

C&P: 4 x 1-2-3 w/12kg (30 reps)
15:00 set
3:00 Rest

Metabolic Pairings:
GU-Sit Up: w/12kg 4 x 4 (last two were BW, due to period issues)
Reverse Lunge: w/16kg 4 x 6
3:00 Rest

Swing :40on/:20 off w/20kg x 9:00 (skipped one) 252 reps

Danny's Workout

Hindu Push-Up & Pull-Up: Complex
8/8 x 3
6/6 x 3
4/4 x 3
*54 reps of each.

Goblet Squat: x 10
HLR: 5 x 8


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Day at City Park

At City Park, with Paul, Roger, Bryce & Shamus.
5:00 JM
Warm Up:
Swings:  5 x 20
Shamus: w/28kg?
Danny: 5 x 20 w/24kg
Paul: w/20kg
Roger & Bryce: w/16kg

Goblet Squat/Press: 10 G.S. / 5 R-L Press x 5

Double Jerks:
2-16kg x 5
2-20kg x 5
2-24kg x 5
2-28kg x 5
2-32kg x 5 *Only Shamus did these.
Completed 4 rounds, with very little rest in between weights.

Litvi-Sprints: Goblet Squats x 8-10 reps, Run/Sprint 50 yds x 5 rounds
Danny/Paul/Bryce: 28kg x 8
Shamus: 40kg x 10

Farmers Walk:
Using an oval course, with a tree on each end. The length was approx. 75-85 yds.
*Everyone did at least two full laps, or more, using a 32kg in each hand.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout

JM for warm-up
20kg 1H Swing x 10 R/L x 2
20kg 2H Swing x 20

28kg Swing / Squat-Thrust Ladder
10 > 1 w/about 15-20 sec. rest between rungs

28kg C&J

2-20kg Double Jerk
8-6-4-2 x 1

Monday, November 7, 2011

Picture time…well if you know me at all; this is a big feat to get me in a pic in a bathing suit without a tan…OUCH! I’m posting my pic so I can have something to hold myself accountable to…besides myself (but we all know how that goesJ) it only takes a few excuses and we let ourselves off the hook!

Not this time, it’s all documented and I’m off to a great start!

Second week: Weight 131.4; Yay…I lost more than my goaled loss of 1lb per week (total loss week one: 1.6lbs) Accomplishing this after my day at the Superdome for the Saints game was a feat in itself...BAD GIRL!

New Day; New Outlook:

5:15 am…completed a pull-up ladder of 5 4 3 2 1 and now I’m ready to get to work!

15 minutes STRENGTH (Single arm Clean / Press with 12kg) Minimum goal: 3 ladders in 15 minutes. I completed three ladders w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 36 reps.

15 minutes METABOLIC PARINGS (B1 Getup sit up with 12kg; B2 Reverse Lunge with 16kg) Goal was to complete 5-6 reps of each exercise; I performed 3 reps of the get up sit ups three times and performed 6 reps of reverse lunge three times in 15 minutes w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 18 get up sit ups and 36 reps of reverse lunge.

10 minutes FINISHER (2 handed swings with 24kg) 30 seconds work; 30 seconds rest; completed entire 10 minutes 200 reps total.

Workout was again tough…very fatigued but finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake YUMM!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday Workout

At the gym with Shamus & Bryce


TGU x 6:00 w/20kg

Pull-Up w/20kg x 5-4-3-2-1

DL 185 x 3 x 5

DMP 2-24kg 3 x 5

*felt good overall; was not sore at all on Sat., so I could add a little more weight to each lift.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today was my rest day but after work I did a 35 minute brisk walk (outdoors) to help with any stiff / soreness I was experiencing from my Wednesday workout.

Friday, November 4, 2011

5:30 am…5 minutes of body weight get ups as a warm-up…first day of cycle so I’m a bit crampy, hopefully I can complete my workout for today…

15 minutes of STRENGTH (Turkish Get ups with the 12kg); 3x1 per side; 6 total reps

15 minutes of METABOLIC PAIRINGS (B1 Goblet Squat; B2 Staggered Stance 1 arm row with the 16kg); 5x5 Goblet squat / 5x5 staggered stance 1 arm rows (each arm) total 45 reps

10 minutes of FINISHERS (2 hand swings with 24kg); Week 1 is 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; I finished my 10 minutes with 120 reps during work time.

I finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jo - Kettlebell Burn

Today was the start date of my new conquest…I am on a mission to LEAN OUT…yes I know, it’s mostly about diet but with Geoff Neupert’s help in the form of Kettlebell Burn 2.0, I am confident that I will succeed!

Starting stats (even though Danny says I should not get hung up on numbers; here they are):

Starting Weight: 133lbs

Height: 5’3

Goal weight: 120-125

Height: 5’7 J

I am going to try my hardest to keep the blog updated with my progress so I can be held accountable to my goals; this might even involve progress pics if they aren’t too hideous!

I must confess that I have been screwing around in the months previous to this mission and have not built up an arsenal of strength to allow myself to start this program with the amount of reps that I would have liked to have under my belt, but there’s no time like the present right!

Today (Monday) was day one:

15 minutes of STRENGTH (Turkish Get ups with the 12kg); for now I’m not going to report my rep range just because I am a bit embarrassed at the lack of reps that I can accomplish with this weight at this time, but let’s just say that I did do my damndest to push out as many reps as humanly possible at this juncture of my life…

15 minutes of METABOLIC PAIRINGS (B1 Goblet Squat; B2 Staggered Stance 1 arm row with the 16kg); I pushed out three sets of 6 reps on Goblets and three sets of 6 reps (per arm) on rows; total 54 reps.

10 minutes of FINISHERS (2 hand swings with 24kg); Week 1 is 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; I finished my 10 minutes with 120 reps during work time.

Finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake and two tablespoons of chia seeds J

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This morning I am very sore…to the touch! I’m sure it’s because I started lifting more weight than I have been in the last 8-12 months.

I totally can see how with a clean diet a person will lean out very efficiently with this program…I can feel my metabolism racing this morning and my last workout was 24 hours ago (I started working out in the mornings; going on three weeks now. It’s easier to stay motivated when I get it done FIRST thing in the morning vs. getting home from work after a long stressful day and trying to motivate myself to “get busy”.

I came home from work and took a brisk walk for 35 minutes to work out some of the stiffness and soreness I had been feeling during the day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5:15 am…completed 7 minutes of stretches via bodyweight Get Ups, and now I’m ready to get to work!

15 minutes STRENGTH (Single arm Clean / Press with 12kg) Minimum goal: 3, 1-2-3 ladders in 15 minutes. I completed three ladders w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 36 reps.

15 minutes METABOLIC PARINGS (B1 Getup sit up with 12kg; B2 Reverse Lunge with 16kg) Goal was to complete 5-6 reps of each exercise; I performed 3 reps of the get up sit ups three times and performed 6 reps of reverse lunge three times in 15 minutes w/ minimal rest when needed; total of 18 get up sit ups and 36 reps of reverse lunge.

10 minutes FINISHER (2 handed swings with 24kg) 20 seconds work; 40 seconds rest; completed entire 10 minutes 120 reps total.

Workout was tough…very fatigued but finished my workout with a post workout protein meal replacement shake and two tablespoons of chia seeds YUMM!