I'm a CKT, with the IKFF. My training is a mixture of Kettlebell, & Bodyweight. Contact me about private instruction on the basics of Kettlebell & Bodyweight exercises.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Danny – Lite Workout
JM for warm-up 20kg 1H Swing x 10 R/L x 2 20kg 2H Swing x 20
28kg Swing / Squat-Thrust Ladder 10 > 1 w/about 15-20 sec. rest between rungs
Yeah, I really like that workout, it's quickly become one of my favorites. Very simple, and a great workout. if you like simplicity, this one's for you! Obviously, if you want to make it harder, just switch to a full Burpee, and that should do the trick. Also, there is an old routine where you do a Swing/Burpee, opposing ladder, starting at 25; so you'd do 25 swings, and 1 Burpee, then 24 Swings & 2 Burpee, continuing down to 1/25. That would be BRUTAL!
I think Ill try that squat thrust /swing ladder this week as a finisher. Looks like alot of good old fashion fun.
Yeah, I really like that workout, it's quickly become one of my favorites. Very simple, and a great workout. if you like simplicity, this one's for you!
Obviously, if you want to make it harder, just switch to a full Burpee, and that should do the trick. Also, there is an old routine where you do a Swing/Burpee, opposing ladder, starting at 25; so you'd do 25 swings, and 1 Burpee, then 24 Swings & 2 Burpee, continuing down to 1/25. That would be BRUTAL!
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