Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swing-Squat-Push Up

Lite workout at work.
*28kg for Swing/Squat.
10 Swings > 10 G.Squats > 10 Hindu Push Ups
Rest 1:00
9/9/9 etc., down to 1

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Warm Up:

Walk to park w/Oscar

Shoulder JM



TGU: w/24kg x 5:00

Pull-Up: w/24kg 5-4-3-2-1

Rack Pull: (DL) 173 x 4 x 10

Regular DL: 173 x 1 x 10

Dip: BW 4 x 8

Sunday, February 12, 2012

City Park Workout

At C.Park w/Shamus, Bryce & Brandon


Jog 1/2 lap, 5 Hindu Push Ups & 10 Hindu Squats

Repeat 5 times for 3 total laps, 30 H.Push Ups & 60 Hindu Squats



Double C&J 2-24kg

10-8-6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

8-6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

2 / 10 Squat Thrust

(70 C&J / 50 Squat Thrust


Rubber Sled drag, w/32kg:

50 yds x 2

50 yds x 1

50 yds w/40 kg x 2?


Farmers Run w/2-32kg's x 50 yds x 2 (consecutive)

" " " x 50 yds x 1 (did 2 more single runs each)