Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Workout at The Fly

At The Fly w/Brandon; a beautiful day on the river!

JM Warm Up, with lite sprints


Hindu Push Ups x 10

OAJ w/26kg x 10 R/L

Goblet Squat x 10

Sprint 45 yds

*1 st 3 rounds; OAJ w/26kg, G/S with 18kg

*4th & 5th rounds; G/S with 26kg


Swing / F-Walk Complex:

1H Swing w/26kg x 25R, F-Walk x 45 yds

Switch hands

1H Swing w/26kg x 25L, F-Walk x 45 yds


2nd round = 20/20

3rd round = 15/15

4th round = 10/10

5th round = 5/5

*great combo!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A group pic of our recent IKFF Kettlebell Cert at Cypress Fitness, 5-22-12.

Back Row: Brandon, Katie-Ann, Kelly, Jo.
Front: Brandon, Shamus, Brian, Claude, Ken, David, Danny.

Practice & Workout

2-22kg DJK Practice 2 x 5
22kg Snatch practice 5 R/L x 2
22kg Swing Practice 10 R/L

24kg Swings: 200 Alt. (100 R/L)
Trying to get my hands back in shape; it's a little slow, but I'm making progress.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Well, I'm IKFF Certified, but I still have a lot of work to do! The course was very intensive, and challenging! Thanks to Ken & Claude for the excellent instruction!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Highly Recomended!

I have a few books on nutrition, but this one is BY FAR the best I've ever read. If you are serious about changing the way you eat, whether it's for weight loss, or just to be healthy, you can't go wrong with this book. It will educate you, and hopefully inspire you to stop feeding your body all of the junk food that has been a part of our daily diets. Eating is a it well!!

Even though the title says "21 day transformation', this is NOT a short term fix, because there is NO SUCH THING! This is a 21 day process that will teach you how to eat correctly, for the rest of your life. The term 'diet' has been changed in this country, to imply that you change what you eat for 6-8-12 weeks etc, and then you just go back to eating the same crap. This is a lifestyle change, that you will live by the rest of your life. If you want to be healthier, read this book, if not...

I have no financial gain from promoting/recommending this book, other than the fact that it's amazing! I'd go as far as to say that it should be a 'mandatory read', or even a class in our school systems, as it teaches you about how much of our diet is crap; even the things we've been told were good for us. There is no gimmick here, just solid info, and once you read it, you realize it just makes sense. Why?? Because it simply promotes eating raw,  organic (if possible) un-processed foods, and eliminating refined carbs, and sugar, which is in EVERYTHING these days!

This book will change everything you thought you knew about food, and you will be shocked by some of the things you read, but you will be more educated, and you will be healthier.

I'm VERY proud of my wife, she started this about two weeks ago, so she is on her way!

For more info, visit:  he also has a weekly email newsletter, I highly recommend it.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Quote from S. Maxwell

This is a quote from Steve Maxwell, from one of his coaching sessions with Saulo Riberio, an Abu Dhabi World Champion. The context of what he said applies to all styles of Wrestling, real-world fitness, and basically any sport there is. It's so accurate and true, but sadly overlooked/ignored by the average guy/girl at any gym.


"One of the things I've never understood about strength training, is how bodybuilding made such an influence…people are trying to workout like competitive bodybuilders…isolation movements like curls, extensions…but the body does not move in isolation, in a sport like ours (BJJ) you never isolate, you use your body together…your heart, lungs, strength, endurance, grip…everything works together, that's what these exercises do."


Well said…thanks Steve!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hindu’s & C&J

Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
Hindu Push Up x 10
Hindu Squat x 20
(60 Hindu Push Ups & 120 Hindu Squats)

28kg C&J 5/5 x 2
Clean x 5/5, Jerk x 5/5

Clean x 5R, Jerk x 5R
Clean x 5L, Jerk x 5L

Clean x 5R, Jerk x 5R
Clean x 5L, Jerk x 5L

Clean x 5R, Jerk x 5R
Clean x 5L, Jerk x 5L

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swing-Squat-Push Up

Lite workout at work.
*28kg for Swing/Squat.
10 Swings > 10 G.Squats > 10 Hindu Push Ups
Rest 1:00
9/9/9 etc., down to 1

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Warm Up:

Walk to park w/Oscar

Shoulder JM



TGU: w/24kg x 5:00

Pull-Up: w/24kg 5-4-3-2-1

Rack Pull: (DL) 173 x 4 x 10

Regular DL: 173 x 1 x 10

Dip: BW 4 x 8

Sunday, February 12, 2012

City Park Workout

At C.Park w/Shamus, Bryce & Brandon


Jog 1/2 lap, 5 Hindu Push Ups & 10 Hindu Squats

Repeat 5 times for 3 total laps, 30 H.Push Ups & 60 Hindu Squats



Double C&J 2-24kg

10-8-6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

8-6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

6-4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

4-2 / 10 Squat Thrust

2 / 10 Squat Thrust

(70 C&J / 50 Squat Thrust


Rubber Sled drag, w/32kg:

50 yds x 2

50 yds x 1

50 yds w/40 kg x 2?


Farmers Run w/2-32kg's x 50 yds x 2 (consecutive)

" " " x 50 yds x 1 (did 2 more single runs each)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

City Park Workout

At City Park w/Shamus & Brandon


Warm Up:


Swing / Goblet Squat & Press

16kg - 10R/L x 3 sets




Mil. Press 5 R/L w/28kg

OAJ 5 R/L w/28kg

Rest 1:30 & repeated 4 times.


Rest 3:00


DFS / Farmers Walk (1 arm)

*8 squats w/2-20kg

*Walk 50 yds w/28kg in right hand, then back with left.

*did 4 rounds of this

Double Farmers Walk: 2-32kg x 100 yds. X 1


Tire Pulls:

Tire w/20kg x 35yds (2 forward pulls)

w/24kg x 35yds (1 forward)

w/24kg x 35yds (backwards: this blasts your quads, specifically!)

w/28kg 1 forward & backwards

w/32kg 2 forward

**these were done ladder style; I went, then Shamus, then Brandon

*this was one of the best workouts we've done. Up until the tire/bell pulls, the intensity level was very moderate, but consistent, which was nice. I could have done a little more, but I think stopping where we did was a good thing too. Excessive fatigue shouldn't be a problem tomorrow; hopefully.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Burpees (the right way!)

The Burpee is one of the finest exercises a person can do. Sadly, the vast majority of people doing them are doing them wrong. Wrong meaning they're not going through the full range of motion on the squat. This is a proper Burpee:

Note the full squat on both the downward & upward portion of the exercise. If you're not doing a full squat (down & up) then you're cheating yourself! (this also applies to the Squat-Thrust, which is a Burpee, without the push up & jump).

When you see blog posts where people claim to do hundreds of reps, it's likely because they are doing a quarter squat, both ways, at best. Obviously, this will allow you to do MANY more reps, but you're cheating yourself, no one else. Why do I care?? Not sure; I guess I just hate douchebags that post videos of themselves doing a supposed Burpee, or Squat-Thrust, and/or post videos online on 'how to do a Burpee', when they have no fucking clue what they're doing!
The video above is Steve Maxwell, a very respected coach, he knows how to perform a proper Burpee. The point of exercising in the first place, is to get all of the benefits from the (any) exercise. Focus on the quality of the movement, NOT the number of reps.

So, the lesson here is...when you set out to do something, find the most respected people, who do what it is you're trying to accomplish, and try to replicate what THEY do. It seems that doing things half-assed, is widely accepted these days.

Be careful what you might get really good at the wrong thing!

Lite Workout

BW Squat-Thrust: 5 x 5



OAJ: R/L 8-6-4-2

C&J: R/L 8-6-4-2

Clean-Squat-Jerk: R/L 8-6-4-2

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Workout

At Power w/Shamus
2-16kg x 10
2-20kg x 10
2-24kg x 10
*Did one set

D-C&J: Complex
2-20kg x 5
2-24kg x 5
*Did 5 rounds - 50 reps (25 reps of each weight)

135 x 1 x 5
185 x 1 x 5
225 x 6 x 5

BW Dip:
5 x 10

Pistols: (on bench)
3 x 5 R/L

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Swing / Jerk, and DJK

20kg Swing / Jerk Combo

Swing :30R/:30L
Jerk :30R/:30L
Completed 10 Rounds = 10:00 non-stop work.
Rest 3:00

Double Jerk:
2-16kg x 10
2-20kg x 8
2-24kg x 6
Did 1 set of this.
Short rest:
2-16kg x 10
2-20kg x 8
Did 1 set. Enough for today.
*I'm happy with a 10:00 set of non-stop work, considering I've had a bad chest cold for over a week.