Monday, November 22, 2010

Danny & Jo’s trip to Auburn

Jo and I went to Auburn this weekend to train with our kettlebell coach Britt. His training partner Jake was there all day, and towards the end, Patrick came by to join us.

Snatches with the 24kg. Lost track of the reps,(maybe 50-75?) since my hands were quite tender, due to my lack of snatching in the last few months; I've been focusing on Jerks.
Mil. Press - Jo: 8kg x 5 R/L; 12kg x 10 R/L x 2             Danny: 32kg x 5 R/L; 24kg x 10 R/L x 2
Jo sat out for the remainder of the day. She had spent two hours or so that morning trying to clean up her Jerk tech., which was her main priority. Poor Britt was probably close to giving up on her :) but, after lunch he tried again, and she FINALLY got it. Plus, her tooth started acting up, so she wasn't up to more work.
 Swing - Drop Sets:
48kg x 10/10
40kg x 15/15
36kg x 15/15
28kg x 20/20
24kg x 25/25 = 170 Reps

40kg x 25/25
28kg x 25/25
24kg x 25/25 = 150 Reps

Jerk - 5:00 w/28kg

Fat Bar Deadlift w/268# - 10 Singles *this was a lot of fun for me, since it was the most weight I've ever deadlifted, and we were using a Fat-Bar, which was interesting in terms of grip. I was surprised at how well my grip strength held up, considering we had just done some HEAVY 1A Swings. The 48kg is very deserving of the title "The Beast'!

Pull Up: 3 Sets of 7We had a great day of training with Britt, Jake & Patrick. Thanks guys!

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