Sunday, November 28, 2010

Danny – Lite Workout

Wm Up:

Hanging Leg Raise 5x5

BW Squat 8x3

Mountain Climbers 10x2

Push Ups 5x5


28kg Goblet Squat x 8

24kg Jerk x 5/5 = 1 Set

:30 Rest

Repeat 4x

5 Total Sets (40 Squats/50 Jerks)

I obviously felt this pretty quick in my legs. A good combo, and this could be tweaked a few different ways.

28kg Jerk 5/5 x 1

C&J 5/5 x 4

For several reasons, workouts while I'm at work are seldom anything special, but my mentality is, 'it's better than doing nothing'. It's simply a matter of keeping my body from getting too stagnate while I'm away.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Jo's Workout

5:00 TGU w/ 8kg

5:00 HS w/ 12kg :30 off
5:00 CJ w/ 12kg :30 off
5:00 HS w/ 12kg :30 off
5:00 CJ w/ 12kg :30 off
5:00 HS w/ 12kg :30 off
5:00 CJ w/ 12kg :30 off

In the words of Coach "this workout ATE MY LUNCH"!
Burning traps / glutes / hamstrings...OH MY!

Danny – Workout @ Work

2H Swing: 24kg x 10-15-20
          28kg x 10-15-20

 1H Swing: 24kg x 10/10
               x 15/15
               x 20/20
          28kg x 10/10
               x 15/15
               x 20/20

OAJ: 24kg x 5/5
     28kg x 5/5
     x 5 sets = 100 Reps

Weighted Pull Up w/24kg: 3 reps x 2; 2 reps x 1
*BW-180# + 53 = 233# Pull

H-Snatch: w/24kg 5/5 x 5 = 50 reps

Nothing spectacular. A dreary cool day at work, and I'm getting a cold, so my motivation levels were not exactly high. Overall the workout felt good.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Drop Sets

At the gym w/Shamus & Jo


Shamus & I were still a little sore from the barbell workout on Monday, so we decided to do a lite/moderate workout, with a few different lifts, but staying away from legs. The Jerks were not bad on the legs, since the volume was lite. A good workout, was just enough for how we were feeling.


TGU x 5:00 (Jo w/15#; Danny w/16kg)


Swing: Drop Set

40kg x 5/5

32kg x 10/10

28kg x 10/10

24kg x 15/15

Jo: 24kg-20-16-12 (same reps)


Jerk: Drop Set

40kg x 3/3

32kg x 5/5

28kg x 5/5

24kg x 5/5

Jo: 16kg, 12kg, 16, 12


H-Snatch: Drop Set

28kg x 5/5

24kg x 5/5

20kg x 5/5

Jo: 16kg x 1 set; 12kg x 2 sets


Weighted Pull Ups w/12kg 6-5-4-3-2 x 1 set


Maxwell :30 Pull Ups (2 Reps each)

1 rep =

5 sec. up

5 sec. at top

5 sec. eye level

5 sec. head under bar

5 sec. 3/4 down

5 sec. flexed at bottom.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Barbell Workout

At the gym w/Shamus

Romanian DL





*Danny: 1 regular DL w/265#, felt good, somewhat easy.


Power Clean


145x5x3 *tried 3 reps of Clean & Jerk






40kg KB Jerk 1 R/L

40kg KB Press 1 R/L


This was my first workout using Power Cleans & the RDL. I enjoyed all of the lifts.

Danny & Jo’s trip to Auburn

Jo and I went to Auburn this weekend to train with our kettlebell coach Britt. His training partner Jake was there all day, and towards the end, Patrick came by to join us.

Snatches with the 24kg. Lost track of the reps,(maybe 50-75?) since my hands were quite tender, due to my lack of snatching in the last few months; I've been focusing on Jerks.
Mil. Press - Jo: 8kg x 5 R/L; 12kg x 10 R/L x 2             Danny: 32kg x 5 R/L; 24kg x 10 R/L x 2
Jo sat out for the remainder of the day. She had spent two hours or so that morning trying to clean up her Jerk tech., which was her main priority. Poor Britt was probably close to giving up on her :) but, after lunch he tried again, and she FINALLY got it. Plus, her tooth started acting up, so she wasn't up to more work.
 Swing - Drop Sets:
48kg x 10/10
40kg x 15/15
36kg x 15/15
28kg x 20/20
24kg x 25/25 = 170 Reps

40kg x 25/25
28kg x 25/25
24kg x 25/25 = 150 Reps

Jerk - 5:00 w/28kg

Fat Bar Deadlift w/268# - 10 Singles *this was a lot of fun for me, since it was the most weight I've ever deadlifted, and we were using a Fat-Bar, which was interesting in terms of grip. I was surprised at how well my grip strength held up, considering we had just done some HEAVY 1A Swings. The 48kg is very deserving of the title "The Beast'!

Pull Up: 3 Sets of 7We had a great day of training with Britt, Jake & Patrick. Thanks guys!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jo's Workout

First of all OMG!...I mean PIECE OF CAKE :)

Warm up:
1A Swing - Drop Sets
24kg 15/15
20kg 25/25
16kg 35/35
Felt fine, grip was good...(150 total reps)

Workout w/12kg:
H-Snatch 5:00 / :30 off
1A LCCJ 5:00 / :30 off
H-Snatch 5:00 / :30 off
1A LCCJ 5:00 / :30 off

Total H-Snatch (130 reps)
Total 1A LCCJ (80 reps)

I did too much on the warm up, and it hindered my work sets, since I intended to do 3 sets of H-Snatch/LCCJ, as it was written. I will try the Swing drop sets again, but it will be the main focus of the workout. Totally spent!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Danny – OAJ Practice/Pull Ups/Squats

Back at work as of the 11th; haven't lifted since the 9th, so I wanted to do something light.

Warm Up: JM (lat stretch)

Pull Up: 10-9-8-7-6 (40)

Decided to do some Jerk practice:

OAJ 24kg 5 R/L x 5 sets (50)

OAJ 28kg 5 R/L x 5 sets (50)

Form felt good, but Britt will confirm that next Friday.

Goblet Squat 28kg 5x5

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jo's Workout

Double H Snatch / Press / Front Squat
5 reps x 5 sets with 26# KBs
5 reps x 15 sets with 18# KBs
:30 sec rest between sets
25 reps with 26# KBs
75 reps with 18# KBs = 100 reps total

legs are fatigued / shoulders are on fire!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jo's Workout

Swing - Weight Ladder
28kg x 10 2H
24kg x 10 2H
20kg x 10 2H
16kg x 5/5 1H
:30 Rest between circuits
Did a total of 5 circuits: 200 Reps

Jo –Monday Workout

From Pavel

H-Snatch/Press/Squat Combo w/2-18#

5 reps x 22 sets :30 Rest between sets (110 reps)

Danny & Shamus

At the gym.

TGU - 5:00 w/16kg (Danny)

24kg Swings: 200 Reps (Shamus)

Squat/Press/BW Pull Up (Combo) 2-24kg x 10 sets of 5

Goal was 75 pull ups; so we owed 25 after the squat/press combo. We simply laddered these last 25 reps, to complete the 75.

Lite soreness in the shoulder blades, some in the legs..but nothing bad.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The 3 Amigo’s at the Fly

JM 5:00
Swings 1A 10 R/L x 3

Workout: Jerk/C&J Ladder
Jerk 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
C&J 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
Jerk 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
C&J 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
Jerk 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
C&J 24-28-32 x 5 R/L
Short Break
For Time
Jerk - 24kg x 5:00 (:30 R/L) 59 Reps
Jerk - 28kg x 4:00 (1:00 R/L) 47 Reps
Danny = 286 Reps (180 Weight Ladder: 106 for time)
Shamus = 337 Reps (180 Weight Ladder: 157 for time)

Jo did some practice reps with the Jerk, using her 8 & 12kg.

8kg x 5 R/L x 3
12kg x 5 R/L x 3 = 60 Reps (20 reps were LCCJ)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Danny & Shamus: Jerk/LCCJ

At The Fly w/ShamusWarm Up: 5:00 JM
5:00 Swing/Jerk (:30R/:30L ea.) x 5:00

Jerk/LCCJ: 5 R/L w/ea. Bell (24-28-32kg)

Jerk 5/5 5/5 5/5
C&J 5/5 5/5 5/5
Jerk 5/5 5/5 5/5
C&J 5/5 5/5 5/5
Jerk 5/5 5/5 5/5
C&J 5/5 5/5 5/5
Jerk 5/5 5/5 5/5
C&J 5/5 5/5 5/5 = 240 Reps Total
Last 3 sets felt the best. Form was sharper, but they were still a challenge. It was a very breezy, somewhat cool evening on the river. See the link under my profile pic, for my YouTube channel; there are two clips from this workout.

Gave Jo a quick lesson on the Jerk with the 12kg. She was having an issue with the drive out of the bottom, but started to pick it up. I then gave her a 16kg, and she did 2 nice reps per hand. We will continue to practice this; she likes the lift, which is the best part…