Monday, June 23, 2008

First Gymboss Workout

Warm Up: Slingshot: 20kg 1x10
Swings: 20kg x 2

Double 32kg: Clean & Squat x 5 reps; Swings x 5 reps x 1 set

Single 32kg: Cleans/Rack-Squat; 5/5 x 2

W/Gymboss Timer:
2H Swing :15 work/:30 rest x 10 rnd. (*10 reps, per 15 sec.)
2H Swing :15/:15 x 10 rnd. *Lost 3 reps to fatigue

Overhead Walk/Rack Walk/Farmers Walk for 1 min. (:14 sec. overhead)


dr. m.c. said...

so how did you like doing timed sets?


Danny Evans said...

I really like the structure of it. Start the timer, and go. We did a Tabata circuit the other day, using KB's and BW exercises; it was brutal!

Danny Evans said...

K.Jay made a comment on his VO2M dvd about him NOT liking Tabata; do you know why?