Monday, August 29, 2011

Great Workout!

At the gym w/Shamus

Double Clean/Squat/Jerk  w/2-24kg's

*I went first, then Shamus; after Shamus did his reps, I did 8 Renegade Rows. We matched the R.R. with the Clean-Squat-Jerk sets.





Rested for about 10:00

KB Chin-Up (palm facing me) w/106# x 1 

*I didn't think I'd be able to do this, after the workout we did, but was pleasantly surprised at how easy it went up! My chin ended up about 1.5" over the bar. Nice surprise!

Tried another pull-up (palms away) and got close, but not good enough.

Rested and tried another pull up, got closer, but not enough.

Rested, and used a staggered grip (right palm facing me, left palm away) and got that one!

I'm very pleased with this. Two successful reps, and two close ones.

Friday, August 26, 2011

DL & Pull Ups

10:30am at City Park w/Brandon

C&J weight ladder

20kg x 5 R/L then 8 push ups

24kg x 5 R/L " "

28kg x 5 R/L " "

Rest & repeat 1 x


2-16kg 3 x 5

Bent Press

20kg 3 R/L x 2

*This was a lite workout. I wasn't able to lift all week at work, due to my back irritattion, and being busy, so I just wanted to get my body moving again.


At Power w/Shamus


135 x 2 x 5

185 x 1 x 5

235 x 1 x 5

285 x 1 x 3

255 x 1 x 3

235 x 10 x 3

51 total reps

Pull Ups

8-6-4-2 x 1

Pull Up:

5 sec up, hold chin over bar for 10 sec.

Hold at eye level for 10 sec.

Hold top of head under bar for 10 sec.

5 seconds to the bottom position.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


At the gym w/Shamus & Jo

Danny w/2-20kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Jo w/2-20#

DSW x 5
DFS x 5
DPP x 5
DCL x 5

DHP x 5

Rest 1:00
Repeat 4x

Monday, August 15, 2011

LCCJ & H-Snatch


LCCJ w/24kg x 5:00 *switch hands every 5 reps

Rest 2-3:00

H-Snatch w/24kg x 5:00*


DFS w/2-24kg x 10-8-6-4-2 x 1 (30)


TGU w/8kg x 7:00

16kg Swing/Jerk

:30 Swing R, :30 Swing L

:30 Jerk R, :30 Jerk L

1:00 Rest

Repeat 4 more times.

DFS w/2-12kg 5x5

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New DL Max.

Rolled with Paul & Eric for 30 -45:00.


DL w/Shamus







335x1 *broke old record of 330


*I need to pull 360, for a 2x BW DL.


Pull Ups

10-9-8 x 1 (27)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jo – Monday Workout

6am Push Up / Pull Up Workout, with my Lifeline USA Pull Up Pro, band kit. Using Pavel's Fighter Pull Up Program (ladders)




Wm Up:

Swing - 5 R/L w/8kg

Goblet Squat x 5



Enjoying my new 16kg RKC bell, with the smaller handle.

C&J w/16kg

:30R/:30L x 4:00 @ 8 RPM

Had to rest for 2:00, then..

:30R/:30L x 1:00

Monday, August 1, 2011

Workout at The Fly


Brandon: OAJ, practice reps; 20kg 5 R/L x 2

OAJ: 20kg x 8-6-4-2 x 1

C&J: 20kg x 8-6-4-2 x 1

Danny: DSN w/2-20kg x 10  (Outside-the-knee; Mahler style)

*I saw a workout that included 10 DSN, and wanted to see if I could do that many with the 20's. I did, but WOW, what an ass-kicker!! IMO, the Double Snatch is the most brutal KB lift there is! It requires so much force production, and is such a fast pace, that it really challenges you like nothing else. If you do them Half-Snatch style, that will make them a little easier, but they still have to go up, which is the fun part. If you're feeling extra 'manly' one day, and you want to test yourself, warm up first, then grab two moderatley heavy bells, and crank out 10 reps; I'm sure you'll be humbled quickly! If not, you're either a stud, or you're not using enough weight :)  If you want to train, but are short on time, a few sets of these will fix you right up, and you'll be done in 15:00 or so.

C&J: :30R/:30L x 5:00

Brandon w/20kg

Danny w/28kg

*felt good; was a little tough, but not bad. Averaged 8-10 RPM. I may have gotten another minute or two. Overall, I'm happy with the set, considering it was my first attempt. My goal is 10:00 non-stop.


DSW: weight ladder; 2-16kg & 2-20kg.

Brandon 2-16kg x 10, 2-20kg x 10, Danny 2-16kg x 10, 2-20kg x 10, Brandon 2-16kg x 8, 2-20kg x 8 etc. My rest was while he did his reps;  'you go-I go'.

10-8-6-4-2 (30 reps w/2-16kg; 30 reps w/2-20kg)

A great workout. Everything felt good, and we were in the shade, so the heat wasn't that bad.