I went to Auburn, AL this past weekend, to train kettlebells with Britt Buckingham (grey shirt). He is an excellent coach, associated with the WKC. One of his students, Benton (black shirt) came over to join us, and we had a great day of training!
When I arrived Friday night, Britt brought me to his house to show me his gym, and I noticed a 40kg sitting there, daring me to press it. So, I have been curious, whether or not I could. Pavel says you should be able to press half of your bodyweight, but I've never had access to anything heavier than a 32kg. So...I did it on the first attempt, with my right arm; the left was not so great, I only made it up half way. I set it down, re-grouped, and finally got it up. It's safe to say that a 40kg press WAS a 1RM press for me! Now I know for sure where I stand. I also saw a 48kg, and decided to do a few 1H swings...damn that was heavy!!
This was going to be my first exposure to timed-set workouts, as opposed to the traditional sets & reps format. It's a whole different experience, when you have to keep the bells in your hands, for 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes. Intervals are tough, and I enjoy them, but doing timed sets is truely what kettlebells are all about. This is the kind of workout that truely separates KB's form any other kind of free weights. This is strength-endurance at it's best. It was a blast, and I look forward to implementing this style of training into my workouts.
I really enjoy traveling to meet new people. In this case I was learning about a style of KB lifting that I was unfamiliar with. I went there willing to learn something new, and having an open mind is the most important thing. When you train outside of your comfort zone, you usually realize there is much more out there, than what you do at home everyday. Best of all, I have two new friends, and I look forward to training with them again.
Last but not least, the real stars...Daisy & Brown Dog (yes that his name; long story!)
Thanks guys!

1 comment:
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