Sunday, July 24, 2011

Push Up, C&J, Jerks

Push Up / C&J Ladder (28kg)

8-6-4-2 x 2

Push Up / Jerk Ladder

8-6-4-2 x 1

60 Push Ups

40 C&J

20 Jerks

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Danny – DL & Push/Pull-Ups

Windmill w/16kg 2x5

Hindu Push Up 3x8







45 Total Reps

Pull Up: 8-6-4-2 x 1

Pull Up/Push Up: 6-6, 4-4

Decline Push Up, Wood block on bench:

10-8-6-4-2 x 1

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pull Up & Push Up

Push Up: 3 x 8

Pull Up: 2 x 5


KB Pull Up:

w/16kg x 1

w/24kg x 1

w/28kg x 1

w/32kg x 1

w/40kg x 1 *held for 10 count at top.

*attempted with 40kg + 8kg (106#), but stalled half way through.

*my previous best was 1 rep w/32kg, so pulling my bodyweight (180), with another 88#, for a total of 268#, was very cool. I think if I did a BW warm up with pull ups, and one pull with the 28, that I could pull the 106#...we'll see next time.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Kettlebell & Barbell Workout


Warm Up:

2H Swing w/28kg 2x10

Goblet Squat w/28kg 1x5


Swing/Jerk: weight ladder w/24-28-32kg

:30R/:30L x 1:00 Swings

:30R/:30L x 1:00 Jerk = 1 set

Swings & Jerks non stop sets; 2:00 w/each bell, for a 6:00 set.

3-Part Barbell Clean w/155# x 10 x 3

Oly-Clean w/135# x 3 x 1

w/135 x 2 x 2

28kg Squat/Jerk 5 R/L x 1

Hanging Knee Raise: 10-8-6-4-2 x 1

Jo's Workout:

Warm Up

Push Ups: 6-5-4-3-2-1


LCCJ/Half Snatch Combo w/12kg

:30R/:30L x 1:00 5 reps per :30

:30R/:30L x 1:00 6 reps per :30 w/1:30 rest = 1 set

Completed 12 sets, for 24:00 of work time

2-12kg Double Front Squat 5x5

Push Ups: 4-3-2-1 x 1


Friday, July 15, 2011

Danny – Lite Workout


Pull Up x 5

DL w/135 x 5

Push Up x 5

Goblet Sq. w/16kg x 5

H-Snatch w/16kg x 5

*completed 5 sets

*no rest between exercises; 1:00 rest between sets.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jo – Swing/Jerk

Swing/Jerk w/12kg

:30R/:30L Swing, :30R/:30L Jerk

Rest 1:30

Completed 10 rounds of each

20:00 work time

14 RPM - Jerks (140)

32 RPM - Swings (320)

Rest 1:30

DFS w/2-12kg (4x5)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Push Ups & Goblet Squats

7-9-11 (work)

JM 10:00

Push-Up (Spiderman) / Goblet Squat

Complex Ladder 2-4-6-8

2 Push Ups, 2 Gob. Squats


4 Push Ups, 4 Gob. Squats etc.

2-4-6-8 x 5

100 Push Ups

100 Goblet Squats

10:00 Cool-down

7-11-11 (work)

JM 10:00

Push-Up (Spiderman) / 20kg Goblet Squat

Complex Ladder 8-6-4-2

2 Push Ups, 2 Gob. Squats


4 Push Ups, 4 Gob. Squats etc.

8-6-4-2 x 6

120 Push Ups

120 Goblet Squats

5:00 cool down

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

TGU-DL –Pull Ups


TGU w/24kg x 5:00

DL w/275 x 8 x 3

*Do 3, rest & repeat, for 10:00

Pull Ups w/24kg 3-3-3-3

BW 5-3-3

Spiderman Push Up


10-8-6-4-2 (60)

Hanging Leg Raise 10

HLR to sides 10

Hanging Wipers 10 x 2