Lifeline (USA-Made)
Punch Kettlebells (USA-Made)
Dragon Door Book/DVD:
Kettlebells from the Ground Up (2-DVD's & Book)
Enter the Kettlebell by Pavel (Book)
Kettlebell Basics for Strength Coaches & Personal Trainers (DVD)
Return of the Kettlebell, by Pavel (Book)
Power To The People, by Pavel (Book)
Steve Maxwell - Ultimate Pull Up Workout (DVD)
Steve Maxwell - Spartan 300 Workout (Bodyweight)
Misc. Books/DVD's
Dan John - Never Let Go (Book)
Art of Strength Workbook/DVD's
Providence, Newport, Firepower, Santa Monica (*Follow-Along Workout DVD's)
Enter the Kettlebell Workbook
GymBoss Interval Timers
Foam Rollers -
Vibram - Five Finger Shoes