Monday, March 14, 2011

Kettlebell Muscle – First Day

First day of the Kettlebell Muscle program.

Medium Day:
DHP x 5
DSN x 5
DMP x 5
DFS x 5
X 4 sets, w/2:00 rest between sets.

Danny w/2-16kg
Jo w/2-8kg
Shamus w/2-24kg
Brett w/2-12kg

*The first day wasn't very difficult BUT, I know the coming weeks will be more and more difficult, so I'm pleased with how the workout felt. I think the decision to use the 16's instead of the 20's was very wise. My Chiropractor visits on Friday and today have been very helpful in increasing the ROM in my shoulders, when doing the snatches & presses. The Active Release treatments are VERY impressive, and I highly recommend them to anyone. Emeka Okafor referred me to Dr. Edwards, so if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me!
I'm looking forward to the Wed. workout...

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