Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pull Up & Push Up

Push Up: 3 x 8

Pull Up: 2 x 5


KB Pull Up:

w/16kg x 1

w/24kg x 1

w/28kg x 1

w/32kg x 1

w/40kg x 1 *held for 10 count at top.

*attempted with 40kg + 8kg (106#), but stalled half way through.

*my previous best was 1 rep w/32kg, so pulling my bodyweight (180), with another 88#, for a total of 268#, was very cool. I think if I did a BW warm up with pull ups, and one pull with the 28, that I could pull the 106#...we'll see next time.



Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

Thats awesome Danny. Its always a good feeling to reach a new pr.
Your workouts look great- not many people have the focus to stay on a couple of lifts even if it is the more effective way to train.

Danny Evans said...

Hey, thanks! I guess my next goal is to pull my BW + 106#. If I went from BW to 24, then 40, I think I could maybe pull the 48kg.
I think I'll try this when I get home.

I never understood why people get bored doing 1-3 lifts in a workout? My moto is "if you're bored, it's too lite"! :) But that's just me.