Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Danny – DL & 16kg Pull Ups

DL Heavy Day at Home


*felt pretty good; not quite as good as the other two, but good. Definitely felt like a heavy day! I felt that maybe my back was rounding just a tad, but I had no way to verify it, so next time, I will film my heavy day, so I can know for sure.

5:30 - Shamus did his test for the Strong-Sport meet with the 32kg; he did 20/20.


16kg Pull Up: 6-5-5-4-4-4-3 (31)

*my back is hurting a little from the DL workout, not sure if it's normal soreness, or a strain?


Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

So is this the Mike Mahler program or your own?

Danny Evans said...

No, this is something Britt designed for me. It's based on the DL, and includes KB Jerks, Pull Ups, etc...