Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Burpees (the right way!)

The Burpee is one of the finest exercises a person can do. Sadly, the vast majority of people doing them are doing them wrong. Wrong meaning they're not going through the full range of motion on the squat. This is a proper Burpee:

Note the full squat on both the downward & upward portion of the exercise. If you're not doing a full squat (down & up) then you're cheating yourself! (this also applies to the Squat-Thrust, which is a Burpee, without the push up & jump).

When you see blog posts where people claim to do hundreds of reps, it's likely because they are doing a quarter squat, both ways, at best. Obviously, this will allow you to do MANY more reps, but you're cheating yourself, no one else. Why do I care?? Not sure; I guess I just hate douchebags that post videos of themselves doing a supposed Burpee, or Squat-Thrust, and/or post videos online on 'how to do a Burpee', when they have no fucking clue what they're doing!
The video above is Steve Maxwell, a very respected coach, he knows how to perform a proper Burpee. The point of exercising in the first place, is to get all of the benefits from the (any) exercise. Focus on the quality of the movement, NOT the number of reps.

So, the lesson here is...when you set out to do something, find the most respected people, who do what it is you're trying to accomplish, and try to replicate what THEY do. It seems that doing things half-assed, is widely accepted these days.

Be careful what you might get really good at the wrong thing!


Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Although it looked like the dude in the front went from jump to sprawl with out squating.

Danny Evans said...

What "dude" are you talking about?? The video was of Steve you're saying he did it wrong?? :)

Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

Didnt Know Steve Maxwell is a black dude. LOL I got linked to CrossFit Faith video, not a maxwell video.

Danny Evans said...

My bad! Actually, those are the guys who inspired the post; I meant to show Maxwell doing it correctly, bud I obviously messed up. Oh well, now you can see how NOT to do one!
Considering it's from CF...I'm not surprised.

Danny Evans said...

Ok, the link is & learn!

Iron Sport Kettlebells said...

Alright! Thats more like it, thought I was going crazy for minute. Thanks for the clarifing